Monday, August 13, 2018

Silence is Platinum: Episode 4 (Part II)

Here it is! Part II of episode 4. I hope you will enjoy this new episode and be introduced to some new stars of the silent screen.

The next episode will feature silent film stars Arthur V. Johnson, Frances Burnham, Lottie Lyell, and Diana Miller. 

Enjoy! And let me know you what you think by either commenting or rating/reviewing on iTunes!

Mary Thurman

Mary, Roscoe Arbuckle, and Harriet Hammond

Mary and Marie Prevost
Emily Stevens

Ward Crane

Ward, Buster Keaton, and Kathryn McGuire

Ward, Kathryn McGuire, and Buster Keaton

Buster Keaton and Ward

Casson Ferguson

Casson and Rudolph Valentino

Casson and Mary Pickford

Catherine Mallon Ferguson